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Make your courses more motivating and gratifying
Aprendiz is a model for assesment gamification, available as an online platform. It focuses assesment and comunication between students and their mentor, towards mastery and continuous self-empowerment.


Interactive, intuitive and practical


  • Just copy and paste your exams and activities, and Aprendiz applies the game hechanics
  • Easy feedback between students and teachers
  • Automatic and configurable exams
  • Instant reports and graphics to follow your student's advancement
  • Easily create multiple choice exams
  • Extend your in-site classes
  • Grade with ease


  • Track their level-based progress and compete with others
  • Tests and missions for assesment
  • Receive amulets that give you competitive advantages
  • Group wall where they can interact with classmates
  • Create teams easily
  • Increase their power to benefit their mates with each level
  • Can challenge your mates
  • Interactions are public and transparent
Learning was never this fun before!
Aprendiz introduces game mechanics into exams and activities, includes levels, points and amulets that give practical advantages. Students can challenge each other and use learning as a tool for winning the game.
Get to know more about the game mechanics
Anytime, anyhwere
Aprendiz makes multiple choice exam creation easy. You can even program the period during which each exam is available, so that sutudents can do and re-do them.
Aprendiz is designed for hybrid learning, classroom or online, in formal education
It is equally effective for informal learning schools, advanced education institutes or training centers
¿Any dobuts?
Dive into Aprendiz and experience better assesment for everyone